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Electrically conductive plastics in injection molding applications

Electrically conductive plastics in injection molding applications

This article discusses the processing and use of Premix’s electrically conductive plastics in the injection molding process. The electrically conductive PRE-ELEC® grades can be successfully molded with normal processing equipment. However, the processing conditions require particular attention due to their significant effect on the resistivity of the molded product.

Practical insights into resistivity measurements

Practical insights into resistivity measurements

This article covers some fundamentals, practical tips, and pitfalls related to the resistance and resistivity measurements of electrically conductive plastics. To achieve the most precise outcome, it is essential that you understand the basic measurement procedure and the key factors causing uncertainties in measurements. In this way, the probability of errors will be decreased, and analyzing the outcome of the measurement will be easier.

Carbon black magic turning electrically conductive plastics into products

Carbon black magic turning electrically conductive plastics into products

This post takes a look at the key element of conductive compounds – carbon black – and how it is used for creating the perfect compound mix.

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