Update of the Evolving Effect of COVID 19
In all our actions the goal is to protect the health and safety of Premix personnel as well as the society and to ensure timely deliveries to our customers.
Premix Group takes seriously the safety of our employees, customers, partners, and society as a whole. To minimize the risks of COVID-19, we follow the instructions of the Finnish Government and the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare.
We work towards ensuring timely deliveries for our customers to the best of our ability. So far, the pandemic has not affected cargo transportations, and we have been able to deliver our orders as planned. We prioritize the confirmed deliveries and will inform our customers if there are any changes or delays in them.
For the time being, we are not facing any reductions of operative hours or limitations in logistics. However, we have taken several measures to prepare ourselves for the effects that we might face, either due to a possible lack of resources or tighter restrictions.
To secure your upcoming deliveries in these exceptional circumstances, we encourage you to make your orders as early as possible and keep sufficient supply in stock. Our Sales and Customer Service will do everything possible to fulfill your wishes and enable your business's continuity. Although physical contacts are being restricted, we are happy to work closely with you virtually.
We have taken many actions to ensure the health and safety of our personnel. We have closed our premises from all but necessary personnel. All personnel, except Production and Laboratory, work remotely. Personnel working on-site follow strict safety instructions, including physical distancing, limiting the number of people in closed spaces, cleaning their hands well and regularly, and wearing masks and working gloves, whenever possible. On our premises, we have intensified cleaning procedures and room ventilation.
All our employees are instructed to stay at home if they have even remote symptoms of a respiratory infection, get tested, and follow the guidelines provided by Premix's occupational health and the authorities.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to your usual Premix contact.
Naturally, we follow the situation closely and operate according to the instructions provided by the authorities. Any changes will be updated here and personally to our customers.
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