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PREPERM® business continues as an Avient brand

March 17, 2024 |
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We have sold our PREPERM® business, technology, and trademark to Avient Corporation. The aim is to help us concentrate on strengthening our electrically conductive and antimicrobial businesses. We believe PREPERM® customers will also benefit from getting access to Avient's international production capabilities.  

"This was the next natural step for our PREPERM® business. I'm proud of our achievements in developing the business to its current phase. The technology has become the industry standard for dielectric plastic materials. It is well-known and appreciated among the antenna industry leaders."  

Tuomas Kiikka, New Business Development Director, Premix Oy  

In the early 1980s, we were one of the first companies entering the electrically conductive plastics market. Our PRE-ELEC® portfolio has made us the world's leading specialist in the area. In the late 2000s, we started developing our PREPERM® technology in cooperation with Oulu University and VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland. 

"PREPERM® gives you a headstart compared to other plastic materials currently used in RF applications. PREPERM® materials boost the antenna performance to new levels. They also provide solutions for tomorrow's mmWave frequency demands."  

Tuomas Kiikka, New Business Development Director, Premix Oy  

The decision to sell the PREPERM® business started making sense when big multinational customers got interested in the technology. We decided to find a successor to the business that could support this scale of production volumes. Avient Corporation was a natural fit. It is a global company with 8,400 associates and international production capabilities. Avient and we are confident this transaction will generate PREPERM® customers even better opportunities to meet their future needs.  

The transaction enables Premix to better focus on developing our growing PRE-ELEC® and PREXELENT™ businesses. 



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